Navigating the Pandemic with Actress and Yoga Teacher Anna Heffington

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In this episode of the Yoga for Balance podcast, Heather speaks with Actress and Yoga Teacher Anna Heffington on becoming a yoga teacher during the pandemic and how her journey led her to teaching virtual yoga classes. Plus, she gives tips for starting a daily meditation practice and more!

In this Yoga for Balance Podcast episode you will learn about:

  • Anna’s career as a professional actor today and her journey to becoming a yoga teacher.

  • How she found yoga to provide safe space to navigate teen years and in her acting career.

  • What it’s like practicing yoga in New York.

  • How Corona Virus impacted her acting and musical career and led her to yoga teacher training.

  • What it was like to take a virtual yoga teacher training.

  • Anna’s meditation suggestions — share starts her day with it.

  • That yoga doesn’t have to be a certain way. Be easy with yourself and recognize this is a very strange time.

    Flow with Anna and tips to teach yoga online:

    - Record all classes, post to YouTube to private and anyone who signed up gets a link.

    - All you need is a wall, a tripod, your mat and your phone. Don’t overthink it!

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About Anna Heffington

Anna is an actor, yogi, plant mom and student of life.

She grew up a Virginia Beach native and spent most of her childhood pursuing a career in acting. At 18 Anna moved to NYC to continue working professionally until the pandemic put an immediate stop on her career. This ‘pause’ led her to becoming a certified yoga teacher and starting her own business where she now teaches people from all over the world spreading mindfulness and a little zen no matter where life takes her.

Listen to the Yoga for Balance Podcast episode with Anna:


How Yoga Works with Bob Cirino


Yoga Therapy to Ease Anxiety and Virtual Yoga Content with Kellie Livingstone