How Yoga Works with Bob Cirino

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In this Yoga for Balance podcast episode, Heather Gjerde speaks with Bob Cirino, the director of Yoga Studies Institute.

In this Yoga for Balance Podcast episode you will learn about:

  • The magic of How Yoga Works, a book by Geshe Michael Roche

  • More about the author Michael Roche, the first westerner to be named a Geshe.

  • Yoga Studies Institute and how they aim to share the original teachings of yoga and spirituality.

  • Lady Neguma’s yoga and your subtle body, kleshas.

  • How a smile can bring you into the moment

About Bob Cirino

Bob Cirino has spent most of his life playing music, gardening, studying science, and starting businesses designed to harmonize man with nature. His drive for business success led him to Michael Roach's book, How Yoga Works. It was here that he was empowered to pursue his passion for philosophy and yoga to a greater depth.

Since then he has developed a yoga and meditation practice that help him bring joyful focus into his daily activities.

He now serves as Executive Director for the Yoga Studies Institute and currently resides in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania, USA, with his wife and cat.

Helpful Links

Listen to the Yoga for Balance Podcast episode with Bob:


Go to Yoga Church with Danna Yunis — Yoga for Balance Podcast Episode


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