Yoga for Balance Podcast Episode 9: The Essence of Yoga with Heather

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In this week's Yoga for Balance podcast episode, Heather takes a step back to share her perspective on the basis of yoga and how you might relate to it. There are many schools of thought and this is Heather's point-of-view based on her personal practice and Vinyasa and Tantra yoga teacher trainings.

Things you will learn in this Yoga for Balance Podcast episode:

  • How yoga is more than your physical mat practice.

  • Introduction to the Yoga Sutras.

  • Brief overview of meditation and various stages of awareness.

  • Preview of additional yoga topics Heather plans to cover!

Helpful links:

Listen to the 'Essence of Yoga' with Heather Yoga for Balance Podcast Episode 9:


Yoga for Balance Podcast Episode 10: Energy Healing 101 with Mariah Slingerland


Yoga for Balance Podcast Episode 8: Zoe Freedman on Courageous Living