Yoga for Balance Podcast Episode 13: Yoga Nidra, Hypnotherapy and Sacred Ceremony with Katya Lovejoy

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In this week's episode of the Yoga for Balance podcast, Heather speaks with clinical hynotherapist, yoga nidra teacher and sacred ceremony guide Katya Lovejoy of Higher Self Therapies.

Katya offers a powerful and integrative approach to help others expand into their highest self. She teaches from a place of personal transformation and wisdom, passing along the practices she's found most helpful in her own journey.

Heather and Katya discuss yoga nidra, coupling that with binaural beats and the interesting intersection between sacred yogic practices and technological advances.

Discover how cacao can help you tap into your heart space and consider adding 10-minutes of dance to start your day moving energy in a creative way!

In this Yoga for Balance Podcast Episode with Katya Lovejoy You Will Learn About:

  • Yoga Nidra: Great reasons to practice it, which include insomnia, pain, anxiety, mood imbalance and more.

    • 20 minutes of yoga nidra = 4 hours of sleep (this can be great for new moms, students and anyone in need of extra sleep!)

  • Hypnotherapy (and specifically trauma hypnotherapy).

  • The koshas.

  • Triggers in yoga (and how they might actually be doorways to healing).

  • How-to start to uncover your highest self.

  • Sacred cacao ceremonies and how it can help you open your heart.

    • Meet the "chocolate shaman" she mentions in our conversation. 👇🏼

Helpful Links:

Thank you, Katya, for sharing your immense wisdom through the Yoga for Balance podcast. Enjoy this week's episode!

Listen to "Yoga Nidra, Hypnotherapy and Sacred Ceremony with Katya Lovejoy" Yoga for Balance Podcast Episode 13:


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