Yoga for Balance Podcast: Prenatal Yoga and Life Update with Heather Pugh

Yoga for Balance Founder Heather Pugh

In this solo episode, Yoga for Balance podcast host Heather Pugh shares an update on what’s been happening behind the scenes. Not only is she preparing to welcome her second baby boy into the World, but she and her family recently relocated to Austin, Texas.

Find out how yoga has supported her throughout these transitions.

In this conversation, you can look forward to:

  • A quick life update:

    • Heather relocated with her family from San Diego, CA to Austin, TX at the end of the summer. She’s currently taking a break from teaching in-person classes until they have their baby in November and will return to teaching early next year.

    • In the meantime, you can look forward to updates here and on the Yoga for Balance YouTube channel.

  • All about yoga for pregnancy:

    • Heather completed her first prenatal yoga training while pregnant with her son Ajja in 2021 (in addition to my 500+ YTT certifications). Previously, she had taken prenatal workshops and had limited information, but this gave her a deep dive into how I could adapt my personal practice and teaching. 

    • She also touches on her own personal experiences through each of her pregnancies so far and how yoga has supported her along the way: pre, during and post pregnancy.

    • Considerations by trimester.

    • How you can adapt any yoga practice online or in person to your pregnancy.

Listen to the podcast:

I hope you enjoyed this update! Thank you for listening and until next time. 


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