Yoga for Balance Podcast Episode 22: The Enlightened Engineer with Ishmael Sonico

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In the first Yoga for Balance Podcast episode of 2020, Heather speaks to former engineer turned yoga teacher Ishmael Sonico. 

About Ishmael Sonico

Ishmael’s path as a Yogi began more than 10 years ago when neighbors introduced him to the peaceful practice. In November 2009, the practice became an integrated part of his life as a means of achieving an internal and external balance without the pressure of competition. As a graduate in Chemical Engineering from UCSD and then working in the sometimes stressful field (as many jobs/occupations can be), Yoga allowed his mind to relax and flow freely with life. For Ishmael, Yoga provided the breath (Prana), concentration (Dharana) and contentment (Santosha) of self as a way of acknowledging personal efforts and knowing that in the here and now everyone is okay. The internal and external balance created from the practice allowed him to find peace in any place, even in this sometimes loud and quick paced confusion called life.

Given the mental and physical benefits that he discovered in Yoga, Ishmael decided that sharing his experience would benefit friends, family, and community. In April 2010, he completed his 200 plus hours of Teacher Training Certification at CorePower Yoga in Aliso Viejo, California. During his training he guided various classes with individuals in large corporations, southern California communities, as wells as friends and family. Sharing Yoga leads to great things and that is Ishmael’s reason for guiding yoga and sharing positive energy through breath and yoga postures.

In this Yoga for Balance Podcast Episode, You Will Learn About:

  • How yoga turned this engineer’s life around

  • Learn about VibeFlow Yoga, where technology meets tradition

  • More!

Listen "The Enlightened Engineer with Ishmael" — Yoga for Balance Podcast Episode 22:


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