Introduction to Ayurvedic Dry Brushing Technique


Have you heard of dry brushing? It's a wonderful technique you can use to exfoliate, move energy and feel better in your body!

I first heard of body brushing years ago when I started to explore ways to feel better both on and off of my yoga mat. I started by incorporating healthier food into my diet and then thought, I should probably take care of my skin as well.

That's when I started exploring products and tools that I felt confident using in my natural beauty routine. I'm so glad I discovered dry brushes and their many benefits!

Dry Brush Benefits

A dry brush is great for detoxifying your body, improving circulation, eliminating dead skin cells, exfoliating the skin, improving skin tone, aiding in digestion, reducing and preventing cellulite, and increasing energy and well-being. In addition, dry brushing stimulates the lymphatic system, which helps eliminate toxins and pathogens that can cause inflammation and illness.

My Experience with Dry Brushing


At first, I was a little intimidated by the texture of the bristles against my skin. But I learned that you can apply a little oil to help with this. Now I love to dry brush prior to going in the shower!

Did you know you can also use it on your face? Try a light brush across your skin and be sure to use a nice face cream afterward for silky smooth skin.

My favorite is the ionic dry brush by Prana Brush. Get yours here.

Have you tried dry brushing? I'd love to learn about your experience with it in the comments!



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